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St Margaret’s is a lively community, committed to Sharing God’s Love.

If you've never been to church or are unsure whether it has much relevance, why not come see for yourself? Join us on Sundays or at our weekly events and be a part of our vibrant community. We'd love to meet you!



8am: Holy Communion

10am: Morning Worship Online and Onsite

A lively, contemporary, family-orientated service with kids' groups. It’s accessible, informal, with a band, and a blend of songs and hymns.

5pm: The Five

We like to think that The Five is a service for everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, to enjoy hearing from the Bible and praising God together. You’re invited to join us from 4.30pm when we have a chance to share tea and coffee together before the service begins.

Join Us Live Online

If you're not able to join us in person, you can join our Worship services live online on Sundays at 10am. If you miss a service, you can also catch up online.

Please note due an admin error we regret that we are unable to livestream this Sunday’s 10am service, however we are recording the service and will make it available as soon as possible, thank for your understanding.


What's happening at St Margaret's?

When's the next Alpha?

Alpha starts again in September