The Penny Trust
(Rev Penelope Giles Memorial Trust Fund a part of the St Margaret’s, Angmering Trust)
Penny Giles was ordained Deacon and became Non Stipendary Curate at St Margaret’s Church, Angmering, West Sussex in June 2010 after a career as a Detective in the Metropolitan Police. The Trust was set up after Penny died from cancer in November 2012. It aims to continue the work she started - to make a practical difference in the local community – as she saw her calling was.
What does it do?
Since 2013 the Penny Trust has helped to fund several initiatives for older people in Angmering. This ranges from gifts at Christmas, coach trips for groups and coaching to help people use tablets and smartphones effectively.
The Trust's biggest investment has been to part-fund the local area Debt Centre, Christians Against Poverty, over the last 2.5 years. This initiative has directly helped over 70 families in the locality and continues to do extraordinary work. We are committed to providing another instalment for CAP this Spring.
Each year the Trust funds the Marriage Course (HTB Version) to help couples invest in their relationships across 7 weekly sessions.
The Bereavement Support Team at St Margaret’s were trained at the local hospice through a grant from the Trust and their continuing, highly valuable work routinely benefits from ongoing grants.
The trust also offers a free devotional for those who have been bereaved. If you would like a devotional, please contact the Church Office.
The Trust has also funded the development of a Cancer Support Group, formed of survivors and working locally to offer support to those with a diagnosis of cancer.
How can I help?
To date we have expended around £9,000 (70%) of the original investment and we will be seeking to supplement the funds available through fundraising. If you would like to make a donation towards the work of the Penny Trust details of the St Margaret’s Angmering Trust and Gift Aid are available from the Church Office.
What does the future look like?
The Trust will consider any initiative that meets its criteria but remains committed to the initiatives already underway.